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Showing posts from September, 2021

Who is in what game for August Rotation

August to November Rotation Call of Cthulhu GM: Andy Chris J Daniel Cook David H Julian W Kat Neil Eve of Ruin GM: Marco Freddie M Helen H James W Mark C Richard C Shaun P Two Minutes to Midnight GM: Ben Adam Daniel Collins George F Jerrie C Jon K Matt DLP Ravenloft GM: Graham Andrew W Em Jason Jo finch Richard T Aerosian Nights GM: Saif Douglas Liam Michelle S Rosie A Simon William P

Interview with a GM - Freddie

Hi as one of the three GMs for the October Rotation in venue, I thought of a bit of a mini interview on you. When did you first start playing RPGs and what were they? About 4 or 5 years ago. I moved to a new area and did not know anyone. Looking on MeetUp, this looked quite interesting so I gave it a go…  I started playing in a Cthulhu game and then played some D&D 5e. I enjoyed the stories and interaction. What was the most memorable part of those sessions? I enjoyed the roleplaying aspects, playing different and wacky characters. I also enjoyed the stories and developing characters within the world. It is those interactions that were most memorable. If you have put time and effort into creating a character who has a nice backstory, acted consistently within the world and developed a personality, it’s tough to roll a D100 sanity and hope that this one roll does not mark the end. Why did you start GMing? Just wanted to give it a go to be honest. Seemed fun… How long have you been G