Voting is up for the April Rotation Please indicate is you will be skipping the rotation or what games you would like to play. Please respond by Friday 28th February For a summary of the games on offer, see April to July Rotation To make your selections please use this form
When did you first start playing RPGs and what were they? I played a bit of D&D with my schoolmates in the 80’s. We were very into The Lord of the Rings and the myriad of fantasy books and movies that were popular back then, so discovering a RPG that let you be heroes in those worlds was very cool. It was only last year after I semi-retired that I decided to return to the hobby. What was the most memorable part of those sessions? There are a lot of differences between D&D of the 80’s and today! The game is so much more accessible with its streamlined rules and online tools, and there’s a much broader range of play styles out there. But I still get the same buzz when the group is vibing. What systems have you GMed? Back in the day we just made up dungeon crawls on the fly. We literally decided what was going to be around the corner when the party got there. So this will be my first time running a “proper” pre-planned campaign. What are the pleasures and pitfalls of GMing and wha...