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Showing posts with the label Blogs

April Rotation - who is in what game

Venca: Eve of Ruin part 2  GM: Marco  1 Richard c  2 Shaun P 3 Mark C 4 Helen H 5 Freddie M 6 Jerrie C Ovion Market  GM: Dan C  1 Benjamin C  2 George  3 Jon k  4 Kat KC  5 Will l  6 William P Conan  GM: Liam  1 Adam 2 David H 3 Douglas C 4 Em  5 6 Delta Green  GM: Richard T  1 Andrew W  2 Chris J  3 Jolyon  4 Julian W 5 Milo  6  Michelle S Mothership  GM: Graham  1 Andrew D  2 Daniel C 3 Matt DLP  4 Neil  5 Ornette P 6 Saif B

First Night Back!

I got excited last week when the giant scissors we ordered arrived! I was nervous coming back to real world gaming and even more on edge as its the first game I have GMed in a very long time but i'm please to say it went better than could be expected!  A big thank you to everyone who came in, geled their hands and made last night fantastic!  WHO OPENS A CLUB ON THE SAME NIGHT AS THE SEMI FINALS!   Apparently we do...  Which means we was a few people short last night and hopefully next week we will see all three tables full but I really enjoyed eating cup cakes (Thank you richard) and giving out goodie bags (Thank you Foresters.)  As for the game! I was very nervous and even though I had wrote the story I kept having to refer to my own notes! Can't wait to see where this rag-tag bag of high level heroes end up!  ..................... A centaur, An elf, A warforge and a dark elf walk into a bar...  the bartender says well we don't often see your kin...

Members Blogs

 As well as this blog which is updates and info from the Hobbits Hole itself. There are a few blogs that our members have themselves: Girls in RPGs A blog by a girl! shock horror! yep and its quite a cool read (especially as I badgered her into starting one 😁) Gaming and Geekery This is a blog by Simon Hibbs about his gaming and geeky thoughts and musings. Knights and Castles This is a blog by Freddie about Knights and Castles, a collection of stories about famous German knights, castles and the legends, myths and sagas which surround them. Role Play Games: sessions from a Mad man This is my (Mark) personal RPG blog, atm the moment mainly for formulating the sessions I GM into an ongoing story, so things can be re-referenced (and or spikes my memory of bits I forgot to write about). Been pondering writing other bits about RPGs, but well we will see.. The Aggregator These along with this blog are aggregated to show on out website: So if you fan...