Voting for December to March rotation is up For find out more information on each game please visit our website Shadow of the Weird Wizard System Shadow of the Weird Wizard Game Master Andrew W The Indie Dozen System: medley of indie story games Game Master James The End Days System D&D 5e Game Master Helen One Tail of Two, Three and Four System: Warhammer Fantasy Role Play Game Master Chris Castle Falkenstein System Castle Falkenstein Game Master Liam
We live n die on the support of the members and especially members stepping forward and GMing a rotation. It does not have to be Dungeons and Dragons, in fact some of our members prefer playing not D&D, while others prefer D&D. We are open to any and all RPGs, just post what you are interested in running, and if possible when you would like to run it. Currently we have December 2024 Rotation Shadow of the Weird Wizard medley of indie story games ("The Indie Dozen") TBC D&D5e WFRP campaign Castle Falkenstein April 2025 Rotation Ovion Market D&D5e Eve of Ruin part 2 D&D 5e Mothership Delta Green August 2025 Rotation Bard Harder D&D 5e December 2025 Rotation So... If you are willing, If you have a game idea and if you are brave enough. Maybe you can become a Game Master Scared... That's no problem, we can help you work out what you need At core is: 1) the idea and 2) willingness to run one Then its either a pre-cooked campaign, an op