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Showing posts from February, 2023

Who is in what game for August Rotation

August to November Rotation Call of Cthulhu GM: Andy Chris J Daniel Cook David H Julian W Kat Neil Eve of Ruin GM: Marco Freddie M Helen H James W Mark C Richard C Shaun P Two Minutes to Midnight GM: Ben Adam Daniel Collins George F Jerrie C Jon K Matt DLP Ravenloft GM: Graham Andrew W Em Jason Jo finch Richard T Aerosian Nights GM: Saif Douglas Liam Michelle S Rosie A Simon William P

April Rotation -who what where

 Mystvale - System: D&D 5e - Game Master Jason Benjamin C George F  Kat Richard C Expedition to Kings Cove - System: D&D 5e - Game Master Andrew W Helen H Marco Richard T Simon H City of Nuln - System Warhammer - Game Master Chris Ahmar A (Em) Freddie M Joshua G Will L Discworld - System Troika! - Game Master Liam Dan David H Jerrie  Mark C Dungeon Crawl Classics - System: Dungeon Crawl Classics - Game Master Graham Andy D James W Jo F Neil

Your picks for April Rotation please

 The form is up and live for your picks for April Rotation For more information on each game please see The systems being played in April Rotation are D&D 5e, Warhammer, Dungeon Crawl Classics and Troika! The GMs are Andrew W, Chris , Graham, Jason and Liam