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Showing posts from March, 2023

Stories from the void - well the RPG rotations

Star Trek Adventures Lower Decks era campaign....but we can always time travel to the groups preferred series era....because that's very very Trek. Lower deck era has Klingons attending Starfleet Academy....blood wine antics to follow... Personally I love the kitch of kirk, the hope of the next generation and the whimsy of lower decks and strange new worlds.  There will always be room for dark big bads and analogus morality plays, but I want to generally keep it light and fun. Section 1:  Starfleet crew will obey the following with any civilization that has not achieved a commensurate level of technological and/or societal development as described in Appendix 1 No identification of self or mission. No interference with the social, cultural, or technological development of said planet.  No reference to space, other worlds, or advanced civilizations.  The exception to this is if said society has already been exposed to the concepts listed herein. However, in that instance, section

Interview with a GM - Graham

When did you first start playing RPGs and what were they? My first experience with RPGs was stumbling upon a box of RPG stuff in my Grand Parent’s attic when I was about 12. It had the first edition D&D red and blue basic/expert books, Tunnels and Trolls, Grimtooth’s book of traps and some others I forget.    I was pretty captivated by it all and I was allowed to take it all home. I read the D&D stuff and ended up running my own adventure for my younger sister and our cousins. They loved it!  I then, shortly after, started a new school and met some other students into similar stuff and we formed a club. We called it Roleplaying Club, which was rather uninspiring, and a kid into drama showed up and offered to make us a poster. He did a good job but finished it with the tag line ‘Guaranteed a Good Time’, which granted us ridicule around the school. He was rather disappointed when he finally sat down with us and realised it wasn’t a drama club.. What was the most memorable part of