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Showing posts from June, 2022

Voting for December to March rotation is up

Voting for December to March rotation is up For find out more information on each game please visit our website Shadow of the Weird Wizard System Shadow of the Weird Wizard Game Master Andrew W The Indie Dozen System: medley of indie story games Game Master James The End Days System D&D 5e Game Master Helen One Tail of Two, Three and Four System: Warhammer Fantasy Role Play Game Master Chris Castle Falkenstein System Castle Falkenstein Game Master Liam

July Rotation - who is in what game

Venue: Glanville Hall Wednesday night Horizon System Horizon Game Master Simon H Players: George F, Jason J, Neil The Oldenhaller Contract System Warhammer Game Master Chris Players: Ben, Calum, Kat, Mark Try a game System Call of Cthulhu D100, Conan 2D20 and Traveler 2D6 Game Master Andy Players: Daniel, Graham W, Josh G, Mohit Castle Amber System D&D 5e Game Master Andrew Players: Freddie, Julia D, Richard C, Richard T, Jo F Other business As always if you can let me know if you wish to run a game in the next or a future rotation. Please let me know. All I need is a working title for the campaign, what system it is run in, brief premise/synopsis of the campaign Oh and hit the feedback links, as the more feedback we get the better the search rankings.