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Showing posts from August, 2021

Voting for April Rotation

 Voting is up for the April Rotation Please indicate is you will be skipping the rotation or what games you would like to play. Please respond by Friday 28th February For a summary of the games on offer, see  April to July Rotation To make your selections please use this form

Interview with a GM - George

Hi as one of the four GMs for the October Rotation in venue, I thought of a bit of a mini interview on you. When did you first start playing RPGs and what were they? I started playing RPG's in school, GURPS and 3.5 DnD. We were young and it was a chaotic mess where we barely understood the rules... but it was the stepping stone to better games later. What was the most memorable part of those sessions? The most memorable part of those sessions, and any session in RPG games really, is the memorable story beats. Whether it's something the GM has been planning, a player throwing a curveball or a combat round creating a story: all exciting stuff Why did you start GMing? I started GMING recently, just last year. My resident 'forever DM' was getting burnout so I stepped in for some oneshots How long have you been GMing? Oops, I answered this in the last one. I started last year properly, there might have been a casual game I ran one session of much earlier... but since I can...

October Rotation where 4 become 3

There are 4 games being proposed for the October Rotation in hall which is excellent. To try and ensure the maximum amount of viable games, those 4 will become 3. How, I hear you scream... By completing the Game Form , this will show which players are interested in which games, and which combinations will create the most viable 3 games. As always they can be viewed on our  website . But for a snapshot summary read further.... Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Game Master  Freddie  -  System:  D&D 5E From the city of Baldur's Gate "as it slowly succumbs to the sway of corrupt powers and evil gods".  Descent into Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells. Alien RPG Game Master:  Paul  -  System:   Free League Publishing "I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies." Stay alive if you can. Deadlands Game Master : David H -  System:   Savage Worlds "The Reckoning" awakened an ancient evil, and you'd ...

October Rotation

Hi, we are starting to get some pitches in for next Rotation, so I thought it would be best to pull some of them together to tout some interest and support. As always they can be viewed on our website . But for a snapshot summary read further.... Deadlands Game Master : David H - System: Savage Worlds "The Reckoning" awakened an ancient evil, and you'd best hope the howls you hear on the High Plains are just a pack of ravenous wolves... The Spoken Night Game Master : George  -  System:  D&D 5E In the world of Skotar, where magic flows freely and the gods rise and fall on the belief of their followers, the Hatean Kingdom is in its final years. The dark cannot be unheard. Alien RPG Game Master:  Paul  -  System:   Free League Publishing "I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies." Stay alive if you can. Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Game Master Freddie  -  System:  D&D 5E From the city of Baldur's...