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December Rotation - Who is in where

Who is in what game for December Rotation Shadow of the Weird Wizard  GM: Andrew  Adam  Andy Denton  Daniel Cook  Jerrie Curran  Richard C  Richard Tunnard  The End Days  GM: Helen  Benjamin Caller  Kat  Marco  Rosie A  Shaun Parsons  William Pearce  The Indie Dozen  GM: James  George  Graham Wilson  Jo  Mark Cunningham  Michelle Snow Saif  Castle Falkenstein  GM: Liam  Douglas  Em  Julian Weston  Milo Caldwell  Neil  Ornette Powell  One Tail of Two, Three and Four  GM: Chris  Daniel Collins  David H  Freddie Meier  Jon kasama  Matt DLP  Will Laurenson We are always on the look out for people to try out GMing in later rotations April 2025 needs at least 1 more GM August 2025 loads If the Idea of running a full rotation scares you, share it and split it into a couple of games. Some Guides and Tips on GMing

Pitch your games for the next few rotations

Looking for GMs to pitch their games games for the next run of rotations, so we can look to fill in the blanks. I think so far we potentially have for December rotation  Tropical islands D&D by George  Advanced Fighting Fantasy by Jo  Mix by Josh and Richard  Village of Hommlet OSE by Graham   April 2024 rotation  WFRP campaign by Chris          August 2024 Rotation           

Your picks for August Rotation

Unscripted Adventures System: D&D 5e Game Master James George F Liam M Freddie Simon H Helen H  Keep on the Borderlands System: Old School Essentials Game Master Graham Jason Em Richard T Andrew W Jo Coriolis System: Coriolis Game Master Andy Richard C Benjamin C Kat Chris J Carol Ovion Circus System: D&D 5e Game Master Dan C Neil Saif B Will L Josh G Elise Battle of the Bards System: D&D 5e Game Master Mark C David H Jon W Jeremy L William P Rosie A

Interview with a GM - James

When did you first start playing RPGs and what were they? I started in the late 90s, which IMHO was the worst time to get into the hobby! First game was my friend's Ravenloft campaign. What was the most memorable part of those sessions? I was about 15 and thought it would be a lark to play a character who was bascially Lord Flasheart from Blackadder. It was all giggles and catch-phrases until the character's girlfriend got eaten by spiders.  After that, he grew up a lot! It was really rewarding to see how much the character changed over about 6 months of play, especially his relationship with the other character (a stern paladin). By the end of the campaign, he was unrecognisable. We also made our own SciFi game, which could best be described as a "hot mess"! Why did you start GMing? To tell my own stories with friends. How long have you been GMing? Since the early noughties. To start with I wasn't really interested in mechanics but as I've tried more sys

Its time to look at games, its time to make your picks, its time to meet the GMs on the Hobbits Hole tonight

It's time to look at games,  It's time to make your picks,  It's time to meet the GMs on the Hobbits Hole tonight It's time to gab those dice It's time to find an adventure It's time to get things started Why don't you get things started? Well, I always dreamed we'd be back here Dreams? Those were nightmares It's time to get things started On the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, Hobbitational This is what we call The Hobbits Hole! Battle of the Bards - System: D&D 5e - Game Master Mark C Unscripted Adventures - System: D&D 5e - Game Master James Port Blacksand  - System: Advanced Fighting Fantasy - Game Master Jo F Ovion Circus - System: D&D 5e - Game Master Dan C Coriolis - System: Coriolis - Game Master Andy Voting sheet:  Games being run next rotation (  - August Rotation

2023 Newsletter


Interview with a GM - Graham

When did you first start playing RPGs and what were they? My first experience with RPGs was stumbling upon a box of RPG stuff in my Grand Parent’s attic when I was about 12. It had the first edition D&D red and blue basic/expert books, Tunnels and Trolls, Grimtooth’s book of traps and some others I forget.    I was pretty captivated by it all and I was allowed to take it all home. I read the D&D stuff and ended up running my own adventure for my younger sister and our cousins. They loved it!  I then, shortly after, started a new school and met some other students into similar stuff and we formed a club. We called it Roleplaying Club, which was rather uninspiring, and a kid into drama showed up and offered to make us a poster. He did a good job but finished it with the tag line ‘Guaranteed a Good Time’, which granted us ridicule around the school. He was rather disappointed when he finally sat down with us and realised it wasn’t a drama club.. What was the most memorable part of

April Rotation -who what where

 Mystvale - System: D&D 5e - Game Master Jason Benjamin C George F  Kat Richard C Expedition to Kings Cove - System: D&D 5e - Game Master Andrew W Helen H Marco Richard T Simon H City of Nuln - System Warhammer - Game Master Chris Ahmar A (Em) Freddie M Joshua G Will L Discworld - System Troika! - Game Master Liam Dan David H Jerrie  Mark C Dungeon Crawl Classics - System: Dungeon Crawl Classics - Game Master Graham Andy D James W Jo F Neil