Venca: Eve of Ruin part 2 GM: Marco 1 Richard c 2 Shaun P 3 Mark C 4 Helen H 5 Freddie M 6 Jerrie C Ovion Market GM: Dan C 1 Benjamin C 2 George 3 Jon k 4 Kat KC 5 Will l 6 William P Conan GM: Liam 1 Adam 2 David H 3 Douglas C 4 Em 5 6 Delta Green GM: Richard T 1 Andrew W 2 Chris J 3 Jolyon 4 Julian W 5 Milo 6 Michelle S Mothership GM: Graham 1 Andrew D 2 Daniel C 3 Matt DLP 4 Neil 5 Ornette P 6 Saif B
Venue: Glanville Hall Wednesday night Horizon System Horizon Game Master Simon H Players: George F, Jason J, Neil The Oldenhaller Contract System Warhammer Game Master Chris Players: Ben, Calum, Kat, Mark Try a game System Call of Cthulhu D100, Conan 2D20 and Traveler 2D6 Game Master Andy Players: Daniel, Graham W, Josh G, Mohit Castle Amber System D&D 5e Game Master Andrew Players: Freddie, Julia D, Richard C, Richard T, Jo F Other business As always if you can let me know if you wish to run a game in the next or a future rotation. Please let me know. All I need is a working title for the campaign, what system it is run in, brief premise/synopsis of the campaign Oh and hit the feedback links, as the more feedback we get the better the search rankings.