Voting for December to March rotation is up For find out more information on each game please visit our website Shadow of the Weird Wizard System Shadow of the Weird Wizard Game Master Andrew W The Indie Dozen System: medley of indie story games Game Master James The End Days System D&D 5e Game Master Helen One Tail of Two, Three and Four System: Warhammer Fantasy Role Play Game Master Chris Castle Falkenstein System Castle Falkenstein Game Master Liam
Step right this way that's it, a little closer.
Cool, so are you hero enough to dive into the world of running a game?
Brilliant, Let me know the synopsis or basic premise of the game and we can work to ensure you have a table of players.
Currently we have
- The lost city of Raukirk
- System: D&D 5e
- Game Master George
- Dragon of Icepire Peak
- System: D&D 5e
- Game Master Julia
- Headstone Hill
- System: Deadlands (Savage Worlds)
- Game Master Jo F
- Boardgames
- System: Multiple
- Game Master Jerrie
Still unsure, well here are some tips and stuff for new and old DMs or GMs
- Not all RPG is D&D, you can run (and play) other systems
- DM/GM tips and beginners guide
So we need you, we need DM/GMs for next rotation and further.
To Help New and seasoned GM's here are some handy titbits:
- What are the different genres and styles of Tabletop RPGs?
- Within RPGs what is Theme?
- Within RPGs what is Plot?
- Within a RPG what is the Setting and is it important?
- Making your NPC's live
- Running your combat in "Theatre of the Mind" a different Roleplaying experience
So please get in contact with and provide a summary of what game you would like to run, and which rotation you would be ready to run.
Some games in the pipeline are:
Also a general shout out for feedback on us, see the bottom of this email for the various feedback options.
Each of these helps with our google ranking.
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