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Star Trek Adventures
Lower deck era has Klingons attending Starfleet Academy....blood wine antics to follow...
Personally I love the kitch of kirk, the hope of the next generation and the whimsy of lower decks and strange new worlds.
Section 1:
Starfleet crew will obey the following with any civilization that has not achieved a commensurate level of technological and/or societal development as described in Appendix 1- No identification of self or mission.
- No interference with the social, cultural, or technological development of said planet.
- No reference to space, other worlds, or advanced civilizations.
- The exception to this is if said society has already been exposed to the concepts listed herein. However, in that instance, section 2 applies.
Section 2:
If said species has achieved the commensurate level of technological and/or societal development as described in Appendix 1, or has been exposed to the concepts listed in section 1, no Starfleet crew person will engage with said society or species without first gathering extensive information on the specific traditions, laws, and culture of that species civilization. Then Starfleet crew will obey the following.
- If engaged with diplomatic relations with said culture, will stay within the confines of said culture's restrictions.
- No interference with the social development of said planet.
Ensign Gregor Banks grew up in New Berlin learning science from his parents before relocating to a frontier colony after his family had a mysterious biological accident. He then spent his childhood tinkering with old replicators, dreaming of the day he'd step aboard a starship to see the galaxy.
Gregor has developed a passion to refine replicated food to a more authentic taste and texture after experiencing real home grown food. He believes to make good food he needs to find a way past the replicator limitations to build at quantum level rather than molecular.
Korath was raised on a agricultural biodome in the very heart of the Klingon Empire, regaled with stories of the good old days in the Dominion War. Surrounded by people telling him the empire has been going downhill ever since that war ended and their 'greatest leader, Gowron' was killed, Korath has become convinced the Empire has grown unambitious and lazy. Starfleet may be soft, but it still strives. Also it accepts and values all views and approaches, leaving him room to carve out a modest niche with his more 'adversarial and physical' style of engineering. He's been experimenting with warp technology constantly, trying to create a stationary warp bubble while not moving around an object or individual... which he theorises might outperform normal shields against certain hazards (or "glorious enemies" as he sometimes refers to them).
Jacques, born and raised on a space station, is used to seeing ships of every description. In particular he grew fond of small craft, which he at first helped his family repair and later began piloting- loving flying, especially wild routes at speed. Starfleet seemed a way to get onto the biggest, fastest ships, in the most exciting, most mysterious, parts of the galaxy. Now if only they'd let him tinker with some of these shuttlecraft. They would be so much more fun to fly if he could just strip a few pointless additional features like comms, seats, life support...
The Crew is dealing with some fallout from the Wadi antics at deep space nine.....Hysperia have called interested in the Frozen dragon and The Higher ups think they can off load the "Orcs" to a civilisation that worships fantasy tropes....that and Hysperia has alot of dilithium crystals laying around....
Lt commander Andy Billup does not wish to assist as his mother still insist he become King....
Too Many Cooks.
You're ferrying renowned Chwf Ragurill to Sigma Zien 4....another diplomatic mission...the Ziens are considering full Federation membership
Shaved, sliced and Fried....
"Vegetable Rights and Peace"
Cannibal brewer ended up on a prison planet and the rest of the lower decks crew were lost in temporal storm.....
After the fight Peony used some smelling salt and a poultace and soon had the stout dwarf Verhim on his feet again. The elf introduced himself as Celandine a warrior from the Gray Havens. He was investigating the light and agreed to travel with the party. Tracking the toll collectors back to their camp they discovered a pony (which they named William), a cart and a dead carter. They also found a letter from someone called Gurnow saying that they would be picked up at the end of September (Blotmath) according to those from the Shire at the mouth of the river and reminding them to find bridges and fords but most especially news or the locations of somewhere called “Imladris” and the elven havens that were reportedly in the north.
Having burned the bodies of the toll collectors and buried the merchant they proceeded with their newly acquired cart towards the Blue mountains. As the drew towards the mountains this discovered an old dwarven road following. They followed this into a gorge were a stream flowed by its side. Verhim scouted ahead and returned saying that he could see fire light ahead.
This is not how things looked from Peony's perspective. And she had a telescope!
Echelion II, son of Turgon, was a man of wisdom. With what power was left to ' him he began to strengthen his realm against the assault of Mordor.
Cannibal brewer ended up on a prison planet and the rest of the lower decks crew were lost in temporal storm.....
Set in a fallen galaxy, where civilisation has fractured and collapsed after interstellar war between humanity and an alien race.After a centuries long dark age of isolation, humanity once more reaches for the stars.
Under a backdrop of interstellar politics.
Like all Politics and intrigue, things were not recorded so they cannot be used against the Travellers.
Lord of the Rings
Verhim waded out into the ford but when about half way over he was hailed from the far bank. A rough man was stood there with a smile on his face and offered to assist them over his ford, for a price of course.There was consternation in the group at the proice the man was requesting for the use of “his” ford. “Two silver pennies! That’s outrageous”. But as the nearest bridge was the Hay bridge in Buckland it would take them days to travel there.
Vherim continued to wade towards the man and the party pointed out they out numbered him and were not inclined to be robbed / pay a toll. Vherim having crossed over the ford almost immediately started a fight and some of the rest of the party drew weapons and started over the ford.
Vherim then realised two things. The first was the man was not alone but had four friends who had bows and secondly the rest of the party was on the other side of the ford and would take a little while to reach his side. Fortunately for Verhim he was assisted by a mysterious Elf that emerged from the wood land and quickly cut down one of the men.
Hjalmar showed this prowess with the great Bardic bow and slew the man Verhim was fighting and two more of the men were quickly cut down.
However one of them had escaped yelling and quickly another group of men emerged from the wood lands but were no match for the party. Although Verhim learnt a valuable the lesson valuable lesson that hiding behind a sapling is not very effective as he was hit by an arrow and incapacitated.
After the fight Peony used some smelling salt and a poultace and soon had the stout dwarf Verhim on his feet again. The elf introduced himself as Celandine a warrior from the Gray Havens. He was investigating the light and agreed to travel with the party. Tracking the toll collectors back to their camp they discovered a pony (which they named William), a cart and a dead carter. They also found a letter from someone called Gurnow saying that they would be picked up at the end of September (Blotmath) according to those from the Shire at the mouth of the river and reminding them to find bridges and fords but most especially news or the locations of somewhere called “Imladris” and the elven havens that were reportedly in the north.
Having burned the bodies of the toll collectors and buried the merchant they proceeded with their newly acquired cart towards the Blue mountains. As the drew towards the mountains this discovered an old dwarven road following. They followed this into a gorge were a stream flowed by its side. Verhim scouted ahead and returned saying that he could see fire light ahead.
The party decided to camp on the road and approach the place with the fire at first light, this was much to the disgust of the hobbits who pointed out at they would not have had breakfast at that point let alone second breakfast. However all thought the night the party heard moaning and wailing from some ruins further up the road to the right where the light seemed to be emanating.
At first light the party with the grumbling hobbits moved up the road leaving both ponies tied to the cart.
They passed under a carved archway and found a bridge to the light leading over the ravine. Ahead were two snoozing men apparently failing to be on guard. Prodding them awake the party were told they had been kept up all night by her wailing and moaning.
There were six men including the two not guards and it was plain that their leader was not pleased with the party being able to walk up to their camp undetected. They told the party they were sheltering there waiting for some friends and when the party enquired about the ruins they were informed that the dead walked in the ruins and they would be fools to go their. One of the men had apparently been attacked and killed in there. The men’s leader was very interested in Celendine and enquired if he came from Imladris but Celedine changed the subject and the party prepared to cross the bridge.
Heading into the ruins they found a ruined room with the skeletal remains of three orcs. This room unlike the roadway and the caved in room where the men were camped was of Numenorean design and craftsmanship.
They passed into another room where a series of sarcophagi had been broken open and water had dripped through the rock above to form a wide but fairly shallow pool of maybe two or three feet deep. Floating in this pool was a dead body. Not wanting to touch the water Celendine demonstrated the fables agility of the elves by jumping from sarcophagi to sarcophagi to get to the other side.
However he tripped over and fell into the first one, only just managing to make the second jump by some miraculous means and then failing totally on the final jump. (An incredible run of rolling a 1, a 2, and another 1).
As his heel landed in the water there was movement in the stagnant water.
The fact that we were joined by sad singing elf dealing with a magic sword dealing 5d8 damage has definitely helped
The Party did not nick his sword though, he disappeared as quickly as he appeared.
They passed under a carved archway and found a bridge to the light leading over the ravine. Ahead were two snoozing men apparently failing to be on guard. Prodding them awake the party were told they had been kept up all night by her wailing and moaning.
There were six men including the two not guards and it was plain that their leader was not pleased with the party being able to walk up to their camp undetected. They told the party they were sheltering there waiting for some friends and when the party enquired about the ruins they were informed that the dead walked in the ruins and they would be fools to go their. One of the men had apparently been attacked and killed in there. The men’s leader was very interested in Celendine and enquired if he came from Imladris but Celedine changed the subject and the party prepared to cross the bridge.
Heading into the ruins they found a ruined room with the skeletal remains of three orcs. This room unlike the roadway and the caved in room where the men were camped was of Numenorean design and craftsmanship.
They passed into another room where a series of sarcophagi had been broken open and water had dripped through the rock above to form a wide but fairly shallow pool of maybe two or three feet deep. Floating in this pool was a dead body. Not wanting to touch the water Celendine demonstrated the fables agility of the elves by jumping from sarcophagi to sarcophagi to get to the other side.
However he tripped over and fell into the first one, only just managing to make the second jump by some miraculous means and then failing totally on the final jump. (An incredible run of rolling a 1, a 2, and another 1).
As his heel landed in the water there was movement in the stagnant water.
The fact that we were joined by sad singing elf dealing with a magic sword dealing 5d8 damage has definitely helped
The Party did not nick his sword though, he disappeared as quickly as he appeared.
Bilbo Stabbins found himself in an unfortunate position, and this is when a sad elf appeared. We expect he thought Bilbo is a child in need.
Wait what? Toby had it completely under control! He does an extra damage on thrown stones. Yeah. Don’t need no first aged elven prince! Remember the woman only had 80 or so HP in human form and 180 as a wolf. Toby would have taken her.
Wait what? Toby had it completely under control! He does an extra damage on thrown stones. Yeah. Don’t need no first aged elven prince! Remember the woman only had 80 or so HP in human form and 180 as a wolf. Toby would have taken her.
This is not how things looked from Peony's perspective. And she had a telescope!
Echelion II, son of Turgon, was a man of wisdom. With what power was left to ' him he began to strengthen his realm against the assault of Mordor.
He encouraged all men of worth from near or far to enter his service, and to those who proved trustworthy he gave rank and reward.
In much that he did he had the aid and advice of a great captain whom he loved above all.
Thorongil men called him in Gondor, the Eagle of the Star, for he was swift and keen-eyed, and wore a silver star upon his cloak; but no one knew his true name nor in what land he was born.
He came to Ecthelion from Rohan, where he had served the King Thengel, but he was not one of the Rohirrim.
He was a great leader of men, by land or by sea, but he departed into the .shadows whence he came, before the days of Ecthelion were ended.
Thorongil often counselled Ecthelion that the strength of the rebels in Umbar was ' a great peril to Gondor, and a threat to the fiefs of the south that would prove deadly, if Sauron moved to open war. At last he got leave of the Steward and gathered a small fleet, and he came to Umbar unlooked-for by night, and there burned a great part of the ships of the Corsairs.
Thorongil often counselled Ecthelion that the strength of the rebels in Umbar was ' a great peril to Gondor, and a threat to the fiefs of the south that would prove deadly, if Sauron moved to open war. At last he got leave of the Steward and gathered a small fleet, and he came to Umbar unlooked-for by night, and there burned a great part of the ships of the Corsairs.
He himself overthrew the Captain of the Haven in battle upon the quays, and then he withdrew his fleet with small loss.
How he missed the mighty deeds of Toby and Peony from the Shire, ably assisted as they were by others of the free peoples I’m not sure,
Party including Wookiee, Assassin Droid, Trandoshan, two Humans one Medic and one Mechanic and an Astromech Droid.
Storey of two Hutts, Temo and Largo. The rag tag bunch gain the ire of Temo after failing to deliver on a bargain and have to flee from Nal Hutta on a stolen ship stealing parts to repair. they are strong armed into helping Largo, caught between a rock and a hard place as Temo wants retribution.
Away from the main storey they have repeated run-ins with a Space pirate who almost destroys them, rob a bank and run into some bounty hunters.
For Largo they have to investigate one of his mining operations after no deliveries of ore are made and discover malfunctioning droids are running amock and prevent them from nearly destroy the facility. They then have to find a missing weapons manufacturer. Almost coming a cropper crashing a Land speeder in the dark, pursuing a lead, but the trail goes cold. The Wookie then takes part in an underground fight, bets on. Defeating the champion, he secures information that their kidnapped victim has been taken by mercenaries paid for by Temo. Discovering where he is and hiding on a cargo ship, they assault the location and return the missing weapons manufacturer, who seems to be preparing for something big. Largo demonstrates his ruthless streak on captured mercenaries who reveal this was a co-ordinated grab and Temo is making a play for his empire. Further compounding things Temo has captured Largos' daughter, again the adventurers are called upon to save the day and returning her to Largo who is warming to the group. The assault finally comes and the adventures destroy Temo as he attempts to assault Largo's base.
Rich reward leaves them the means to set themselves up for the future.
Star wars edge of the empire game
Character Larnste Human MechanicParty including Wookiee, Assassin Droid, Trandoshan, two Humans one Medic and one Mechanic and an Astromech Droid.
Storey of two Hutts, Temo and Largo. The rag tag bunch gain the ire of Temo after failing to deliver on a bargain and have to flee from Nal Hutta on a stolen ship stealing parts to repair. they are strong armed into helping Largo, caught between a rock and a hard place as Temo wants retribution.
Away from the main storey they have repeated run-ins with a Space pirate who almost destroys them, rob a bank and run into some bounty hunters.
For Largo they have to investigate one of his mining operations after no deliveries of ore are made and discover malfunctioning droids are running amock and prevent them from nearly destroy the facility. They then have to find a missing weapons manufacturer. Almost coming a cropper crashing a Land speeder in the dark, pursuing a lead, but the trail goes cold. The Wookie then takes part in an underground fight, bets on. Defeating the champion, he secures information that their kidnapped victim has been taken by mercenaries paid for by Temo. Discovering where he is and hiding on a cargo ship, they assault the location and return the missing weapons manufacturer, who seems to be preparing for something big. Largo demonstrates his ruthless streak on captured mercenaries who reveal this was a co-ordinated grab and Temo is making a play for his empire. Further compounding things Temo has captured Largos' daughter, again the adventurers are called upon to save the day and returning her to Largo who is warming to the group. The assault finally comes and the adventures destroy Temo as he attempts to assault Largo's base.
Rich reward leaves them the means to set themselves up for the future.
Hard to Bard
The Band consisted of a retune of members.- Hydrica - A Dragonborn Bard (Swords)
- Heironymo - A Tortle Bard (Spirits)/Monk (Harmony)
- Sister - A Goblin Cleric (Music)
- Lemmog - A Orc Paladin (Cantor)
- Ekam - An Aasimar (Protector) Bard (Glamour)/Warlock (Celestrial Patron, Bell Pact)
- The Occassional Spare part - Immith Chargoba - A Human Fighter (Hornblower)
Transported (unwillingly) through to the Nevernever the band through stealth, fighting, intrude and thief obtain the 5 Chapters of the Bard Tale, which will announce the rightful ruler of Richester.
The band went through various musical inspired encounters, including
The band went through various musical inspired encounters, including
- Moulin Rouge
- Annie
- Grease
- Two Princes
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Little Shop of Horrors
- The Phantom of the Opera
- Hadestown
- The Wizard of Oz
- Wicked
- Hamilton
Finally Killing the Queen, Usurping the King and altering the Bards tale to name Lemmog as the King of Richester!
If you want more detail on their exploits:
- Where are we ok here we are now
- Red Hollyphant
- Soft kitty, warm kitty, Little ball of violence
- Dancing the Knights away
- Beasts dogs flowers oh my
- Loads of Singers here apparently
- The Tomb of Richmond
- Hero's n Heretics
- Monarchy, Democracy or Dictatorship, what to pick, what to pick....
- It's Hammertown
- Respect my authority
- Feed Me
- The Phantom of the Opera
- Lions and tigers, and bears, oh my!
- This is the self-preservation society
- Killer Queen - Do you want to build a snowman
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