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Stories from the void - well the RPG rotations

Star Trek Adventures Lower Decks era campaign....but we can always time travel to the groups preferred series era....because that's very very Trek. Lower deck era has Klingons attending Starfleet Academy....blood wine antics to follow... Personally I love the kitch of kirk, the hope of the next generation and the whimsy of lower decks and strange new worlds.  There will always be room for dark big bads and analogus morality plays, but I want to generally keep it light and fun. Section 1:  Starfleet crew will obey the following with any civilization that has not achieved a commensurate level of technological and/or societal development as described in Appendix 1 No identification of self or mission. No interference with the social, cultural, or technological development of said planet.  No reference to space, other worlds, or advanced civilizations.  The exception to this is if said society has already been exposed to the concepts listed herein. However, in that instance, section

We need you, you, you (and even you)

We live n die on the support of the members and especially members stepping forward and GMing a rotation.

It does not have to be Dungeons and Dragons, in fact some of our members prefer playing not D&D, while others prefer D&D.

We are open to any and all RPGs, just post what you are interested in running, and if possible when you would like to run it.

Currently we have

Current Rotation about to start: August 2024 Rotation 

  1. Eve of Ruin D&D 5e 
  2. Two Minutes to Midnight D&D 5e
  3. Aerosian Nights D&D 5e
  4. Ravenloft (1983) with OSE/AD&D
  5. Call of Cthulhu / Pulp Cthulhu

December 2024 Rotation 

  1. Shadow of the Weird Wizard
  2. medley of indie story games ("The Indie Dozen")
  3. TBC D&D5e
  4. WFRP campaign
  5. Castle Falkenstein

April 2025 Rotation

  1. Ovion Market D&D5e
  2. Eve of Ruin part 2 D&D 5e
  3. Mothership
  4. Potentially: Traveller (MgT2) or Stars Without Number

August 2025 Rotation

  1. Bard Harder D&D 5e

December 2025 Rotation

If you are willing,
If you have a game idea and if you are brave enough.
Maybe you can become a Game Master


That's no problem, we can help you work out what you need

At core is:
1) the idea and
2) willingness to run one

Then its either a pre-cooked campaign, an open world (thinking on the seat of your pants) or a blend of both

So what is stopping you from being a GM?

Does it need to be D&D

No (but does not stop you from running D&D)

I am scared I don't know all the rules

So what, neither do most players.
If really worried then do what I done, Run a system no one knows, for me it was Misspent Youth and then Era games - at the time only I knew those rules in the club.

But at core its Role play not rule play, mess up or need to look up a rule - So what, either look it up then, or go with gut and flow of game and look it up after for next time.


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